Saturday, April 6, 2013

Duck Eggs, eh???

I decided to do a food trial with the youngest little monster roaming around these parts. Hes been off chicken eggs for months now, and though I've gotten pretty food at baking without eggs, it's hard and I don't need hard! It's hard enough coming up with food that fits all the different food restrictions we have between the 3 kids.

I joined a group on Facebook for people locally who garden and have small farms to buys, sell, and trade, homegrown food, plants, seeds, and knowledge. A local gal on there posted the other day that she had fresh duck eggs for sale. I was intrigued. Duck eggs you say? Hmmmm, so I got to googling and seeing if duck eggs were a suitable substitute for chicken eggs for folks that are allergic, since IgE allergies are my standard against what subs we can and should try though none of the kids have any true IgE allergies at this point. It seems that it is done and usually well tolerated to substitute duck eggs, and even goose and quail eggs, for chicken eggs. Score!

So I messaged the gal who had posted about the eggs and grilled her about what she feeds the ducks. Because I have heard from numerous people that they are sensitive to what the animals they are eating are eating. Makes sense, in a way. She was kind enough to find the website for the feed she is giving the ducks and one chicken she has. Darn it all! First two ingredients were corn and soy! She said she has been considering switching the animals to organic and sent me the link to the new feed she is considering. While the corn and soy weren't the first two ingredients they were still in there.

After hours spent googling trying to find a feed that didn't contain those things I came up empty handed. Boooo! So I figured that the kids eat conventional meat that are more than likely feed corn and soy as the bulk of their diets everyday and seem to be fine with meat so maybe the littlest one won't react to what the animal is eating in its diet.

So I thought it over, slept on it, and talked it over with my wonderful momma friends of reactive kids and decided to give it a try. So I let the gal know that I would like to buy a half dozen eggs and headed over to pick them up. She also happens to have dwarf goats a goose and a horse. The littlest monster was in heaven! He got to pet a baby goat! The whole way home he was telling me that he wants some goats. I don't think we are zoned to have goats where we live. Maybe we could get some and milk them? Though I have no idea if the kids can tolerate goat milk. Hmmmmm.......

So we collected our half dozen duck eggs and brought them home. I let the gal know that if the food trial worked out we'd be bugging her a lot for eggs. She seemed happy to supply us and for about the price of a dozen organic chicken eggs in the grocery store it wouldn't put to much stress on our food budget.

I came home and put them in the refrigerator and it took me about 3 days to work up the nerve to actually start the food trial. I had to re-talk myself into it. We had survived the last chicken egg food trial, but it wasn't pretty that's for sure! So I figured we could do this! Yes we can! So I baked up some banana muffins, the littlest one loves banana bread so I figured he'd eat these no problem. Sometimes the hardest part of a food trial is finding a way to get them to actually ingest the food.

I made mini muffins so his first day would be a small amount and he wouldn't feel jipped by only being able to have a bite or two of something bigger and then having it taken away. He ate it no problem as his dessert after dinner last night. This morning, there has been no rash I've picked up on and so far no complaint of stomach pain, his first two symptoms usually. I let him eat two mini muffins at breakfast and he stole a couple I was eating at mid-morning snack. His bowel movement seemed fine, though he didn't tell me he had gone because he was to busy playing with new found toys while we were cleaning out the toy room for our BIG spring cleaning project while the older boys were away with dad for the day. So he sat in it for a while, and because I couldn't smell it, he sat in it longer than he normally would.

When his secret was discovered I changed him and he did have some diaper rash, but nothing like what he gets when he is reacting to a food. His poop was formed, no mucus, and no smell. So far so good. A little Desitin and his rash is already looking much better. So we will continue with the muffins for another 2 days, increasing the amount he eats everyday and watch for reactions. If nothing shows up we will attempt scrambled duck eggs as his "true" test to see if he tolerates them.

Wish us luck! I would love to have eggs again!

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